PTE academic; collocations 04 - Adverb Collocation


So continuing the series of collocation, here is Collocation 04which deals entirely with adverb collocations.
 Some of the important adverb collocations we should not miss ;


Absurdly - low, high, easy, difficult

Widely - believed, spoken, used, distributed, known, renowned

Thoroughly - convinced, enjoyable, agree, satisfying

Fully - understand, comprehend, informed, automated, equipped

Totally and Completely - unaware, unprepared, unexpected, out of control, wrong

Patently - true, false, obvious, clear


Highly= probable, (un)likely, successful, competitive, recommended, effective, controversial

Utterly/Absolutely = ridiculous, impossible, wrong, disgusting, devastating, pointless, appalled, worthless, senseless, hopeless

unbelievably / ridiculously / incredibly = cheap, expensive, big, small, long, short, early, late

bitterly =disappointed, resent, regret, complain, cry, weep

deeply = ashamed, concerned, moved, shocked, touched, affected, hurt, regret

strongly =oppose, influence, believe, deny, recommend, condemn, argue, object, support, suggest

Entirely =different, separate, dependent

Wildly =inaccurate, exaggerated, inappropriate, unrealistic

Downright= wrong, dishonest, hostile, rude, disgrace, immoral

Mildly= surprised, amused, irritated, offensive

loosely= based, structured, connected, related

Vaguely= familiar, aware, remember, worded, threatening do well/badly

hope this post helped you to figure out some of adverb collocation with its different use. Dont forget to mention this post to any needy PTE preparing mates.
we shall deal with preposition and verb collocation in our next series of COLLOCATION 05  and TIPS ON IMAGES are in process, will be published shortly.

stay tuned :)

                                         For Collocations First Part Click Here

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