Describe Images in PTE - GRAPHS ( line graph, bar graph and pie chart)


so we did the lesson on types of images we have to deal in PTE. Having knowledge and knowing the type and the frame to describe each and every type of image would be very useful to everyone who is preparing for the test.

Now this post would be all dedicated to, How we can describe and tackle graphs, how to make frames for the graphs and how can we get ready to answer questions related to graphs.

lets get into the content now

-          It is not necessary to describe everything in the graph. Unlike in IELTS, we don’t have enough luxurious time to do that in PTE. If the graph composes too many things, just mention what is noticeable and important
-          Highest AND lowest points are a MUST
-          Use various structures. Try not to repeat the same structures/vocab even when you have moved on to the next question.

The graph shows/depicts/illustrates/demonstrates…. The number of….measured in percentage/millions……from 19xx to 20yy.
*note: it is very important that we say “measured in …” if we accidentally already say “the graph shows the number of” while it shows percentage. It’s better if you spend the first 25 seconds to carefully study the graph to see what it compares/describes: millions of dollars or Celsius degrees, or percentages.
 (It is very important that you mention the first year and last year in the intro. You can’t just say “over a 3-year period” in the intro, as that doesn’t tell the marker what year to start).
The pie chart/bar graph compares…

It is crystal clear that…
It can be clearly seen from the graph that….
It is explicitly shown that….


If that’s a line graph:

-          Mention the highest AND lowest figures <= this is crucial
-          Use “trend” words to describe the rest.
-          Try not to describe each graph in separate sentences (if there are more than 1 line). Use conjunctions such as whereas, while, and…
-          If the line has different changes (instead of simply upward/downward trend), break it into several parts (but not more than 3 parts, as we don’t have enough of time) to describe it.
-          If the graph has more than 1 line, describe both lines simultaneously in each sentence.

 For example:
o   The sales reached its peak/highest point/lowest point in 1950, then sharply decreased/increased in the next 4 years, while the cost doubled……
o   In 1955, the sales rose up dramatically to…., whereas the cost stabilized…
-          Don’t repeat same structures. Try your best to use variations. For example:
o   There was a slight fluctuation from 19xx to 20xx
o   The number of people plummeted over the 3-year period
o   The first half of the decade (if it was described over 10 years) witnessed a plateau, where the figure stayed at 90%, whereas the other half….
o   The last 3 years of the period saw a fall of change
o   The sales reached its peak/highest point/lowest point in 1950, then sharply decreased/increased in the next 4 years, while the cost doubled……
o   In 1997, 35% of US citizens…..
o   The amount of rainfall was the highest in November..
o   The quantity of goods produced was considered to be highest in…
-          Trend words are summarized in the table, click here for the table (once you know the adjective, add “ly” to make it adverb = sharp -> sharply)

If that’s a bar graph:
-          Mention the highest AND lowest figures <= this is crucial
-          If it is described in time-related categories (which is common, such as age-group, or amount of rainfall during a year), mention the trend.
-          For example:

Say that when people get older, they tend to study for self-interest rather than to get a job.
In Rainfall example, say how the rainfall increases during the year
-          If it is described in less than 3 non-related categories (population in countries), again, describe and compare the bars simultaneously, using conjunctions.
-          If it is described in more than 3, just describe what is more noticeable and important.

If it is pie chart:
Pie chart is used to compare things.

Start with:
The pie chart compares….
The pie chart compares the percentage of each favourite type of movie.
If there are about 4-5 parts or fewer in the pie chart, the second sentence should be
It is divided into 4 parts/slices: (mention the names of the parts)

 it is divided into 5 parts: sci-fi, comedy, action, drama, and romance.
*depend on how fast you speak. If you can only speak slowly, ignore the part above.
If there are more than that: mention the extreme points straight away. Remember to use variations of structures:
Romance takes up to 30%...., which is the highest contribution in the chart.
5% of the pie chart belongs to…..
Comedy contributes the smallest proportion….

exercise and practice, this is the key for the success so as soon as you get to see this post, open your pen and take copy to note the structures. Unless you try it by yourself, you will never know how is your preparation going on. so find out images to practice, go for newspaper with descriptive images.

click here for the trend words used to describe graphs in PTE.

if you still in confusion on types of images we have to deal with in PTE, then click here for post on describe image strategies and tips dealing with types of images to deal

best of luck and stay tuned with us, like us for further post on images as well as other materials related to PTE

1 comment

Manjot kaur said...

Great information provided. I appreciate your work. I like the way you write. Awesome, keep it up.

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